Made a trip to Ohio to be with family for the holidays and now soon will depart for the West Coast to meet up with my new home. I have a small 5th wheel camper which will become my new residence. It will take a little work to get it up to my style and I have a few modifications planned, but that will more than likely change as I move in.
The hardest part about this whole project was the actual liquidating of all my "things", mostly useless stuff that had traveled from house to house for the past 40 years and saw very little use. Trip after trip to the consignment store and the dumpster worked through the problem. Also numerous trips to Goodwill and AmVets was also part of the solution.
I am anxious for the final part of my relocation to begin, but quite frankly dread the long drive across the country but cannot wait to see my new home and get it squared away.
Here is a picture of my new little home.
More pics to follow as I travel west!
Stay Tuned.